GestionHoteleria / src / js / pages / toastr.init.js
James Cuadrado on 29 Apr 2021 6 KB new

Template Name: Adminto - Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard
Author: CoderThemes
File: Toastr init js

$(function () {
                var i = -1;
                var toastCount = 0;
                var $toastlast;

                var getMessage = function () {
                    var msgs = ['My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!',
                        'Are you the six fingered man?',
                        'I do not think that means what you think it means.',
                        'Have fun storming the castle!'
                    if (i === msgs.length) {
                        i = 0;

                    return msgs[i];

                var getMessageWithClearButton = function (msg) {
                    msg = msg ? msg : 'Clear itself?';
                    msg += '<br /><br /><button type="button" class="btn btn-default clear">Yes</button>';
                    return msg;

                $('#showtoast').click(function () {
                    var shortCutFunction = $("#toastTypeGroup input:radio:checked").val();
                    var msg = $('#message1').val();
                    var title = $('#title').val() || '';
                    var $showDuration = $('#showDuration');
                    var $hideDuration = $('#hideDuration');
                    var $timeOut = $('#timeOut');
                    var $extendedTimeOut = $('#extendedTimeOut');
                    var $showEasing = $('#showEasing');
                    var $hideEasing = $('#hideEasing');
                    var $showMethod = $('#showMethod');
                    var $hideMethod = $('#hideMethod');
                    var toastIndex = toastCount++;
                    var addClear = $('#addClear').prop('checked');

                    toastr.options = {
                        closeButton: $('#closeButton').prop('checked'),
                        debug: $('#debugInfo').prop('checked'),
                        newestOnTop: $('#newestOnTop').prop('checked'),
                        progressBar: $('#progressBar').prop('checked'),
                        positionClass: $('#positionGroup input:radio:checked').val() || 'toast-top-right',
                        preventDuplicates: $('#preventDuplicates').prop('checked'),
                        onclick: null

                    if ($('#addBehaviorOnToastClick').prop('checked')) {
                        toastr.options.onclick = function () {
                            alert('You can perform some custom action after a toast goes away');

                    if ($showDuration.val().length) {
                        toastr.options.showDuration = $showDuration.val();

                    if ($hideDuration.val().length) {
                        toastr.options.hideDuration = $hideDuration.val();

                    if ($timeOut.val().length) {
                        toastr.options.timeOut = addClear ? 0 : $timeOut.val();

                    if ($extendedTimeOut.val().length) {
                        toastr.options.extendedTimeOut = addClear ? 0 : $extendedTimeOut.val();

                    if ($showEasing.val().length) {
                        toastr.options.showEasing = $showEasing.val();

                    if ($hideEasing.val().length) {
                        toastr.options.hideEasing = $hideEasing.val();

                    if ($showMethod.val().length) {
                        toastr.options.showMethod = $showMethod.val();

                    if ($hideMethod.val().length) {
                        toastr.options.hideMethod = $hideMethod.val();

                    if (addClear) {
                        msg = getMessageWithClearButton(msg);
                        toastr.options.tapToDismiss = false;
                    if (!msg) {
                        msg = getMessage();

                    $('#toastrOptions').text('Command: toastr["'
                            + shortCutFunction
                            + '"]("'
                            + msg
                            + (title ? '", "' + title : '')
                            + '")\n\ntoastr.options = '
                            + JSON.stringify(toastr.options, null, 2)

                    var $toast = toastr[shortCutFunction](msg, title); // Wire up an event handler to a button in the toast, if it exists
                    $toastlast = $toast;

                    if (typeof $toast === 'undefined') {

                    if ($toast.find('#okBtn').length) {
                        $toast.delegate('#okBtn', 'click', function () {
                            alert('you clicked me. i was toast #' + toastIndex + '. goodbye!');
                    if ($toast.find('#surpriseBtn').length) {
                        $toast.delegate('#surpriseBtn', 'click', function () {
                            alert('Surprise! you clicked me. i was toast #' + toastIndex + '. You could perform an action here.');
                    if ($toast.find('.clear').length) {
                        $toast.delegate('.clear', 'click', function () {
                            toastr.clear($toast, {force: true});

                function getLastToast() {
                    return $toastlast;

                $('#clearlasttoast').click(function () {
                $('#cleartoasts').click(function () {