ournorth2021 / index.php
LuisOlaya on 22 Apr 2021 14 KB bhkmnbjb
$pagina = "home";
if (isset($_SESSION['id_user']) && $_SESSION['id_user'] != "") {
    $pagina = "lobby";
if ($_GET["pg"] != "") {
    $pagina = explode("/", $_GET["pg"]);
} else {
    $pagina = explode("/", $pagina);

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    function Chateos(data){
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            $("#scroll_cont").animate({ scrollTop: $("#cont_chat").height() }, 500);
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</script> -->

<?php if ($pagina[0] == "live") { ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var tb_sesion = database.ref('participants/' + <?php echo $_SESSION['id_user']; ?>);

            user: <?php echo $_SESSION['id_user']; ?>,
            vista: 'live',
            nombre: '<?php echo $_SESSION['name_user']; ?>',
<?php } ?>
